11th March 2014

Carolyn’s Big Confidence Boost | Boudoir Photo Shoot in Surrey

Carolyn came for a boudoir shoot with a friend to give her a big confidence boost (bring a friend and do a shoot on the same day and you both get 10% off!). She has quite a demanding job, which requires her to wear a uniform, tie her hair back and wear no makeup, and this definitely made her feel good about herself again! Carolyn recently also took part in the ‘Hell Runner’ – a gulling 12 mile run through mud and bogs to raise money for a charity close to her heart, Step by Step, and has managed to raise over £1000 so far! Based in Aldershot, the charity provides support to homeless and vulnerable young people, restoring their self esteem and providing training & opportunities to help them achieve independence and stability within a caring & positive environment. I seriously admire this woman!


Carolyn wrote a fantastic review recently on my Facebook business page:

“I had a boudoir shoot with Ginny and it was very empowering and gave me such a boost! …The boudoir shoots are like a spa day- you get pampered & preened & get to feel your very best for a day! And how often as a woman do we get to do that? …There are so many opportunities to feel less than good about yourself- eg all the borderline anorexic models in wedding magazines & photoshop galore, dresses you can’t afford – a boudoir shoot will celebrate YOU and highlight the unique beauty every woman has!”


Boudoir shoots take place at Hotel de Vie in Farnham, Surrey, which has lots of gorgeous boutique rooms that are all different. We get the best room available, but as we do the shoot when the hotel is closed between 11-3pm weekdays it’s usually a pick of the best rooms in the hotel, or a mixture!

Thanks so much to Carolyn for letting me share some of her images! The gorgeous lace robe in the first few shots is from the Ginny Marsh Photography Boudoir Wardrobe 🙂

Carolyn_BeforeAfter www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk www.ginnymarsh.co.uk

If you’re thinking of booking a boudoir shoot, please get in touch! I’ll send you a full price list and availability.



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