Happy Clients

portrait of a cross-dresser with short hair in a black dress and boots sitting on a white sofa

“[This shoot was important] to gain confidence in my female persona and to have some really great photos of me and my Stepdaughter.
I wanted to improve my confidence as a mature crossdresser and really wanted a set of pictures of myself.

I decided on Ginny because initially her website looked so professional, and the pictures displayed looked so glamourous as opposed to other sites that just did not have that zing.

Before the shoot I was totally nervous. I’ve never been good at having my picture taken and being dressed as a female made me concerned I would look awful. However, after the zoom calls I had with Ginny I knew I was in good hands.

The makeover made me feel so at ease from the onset and made me feel so feminine. Ginny was lovely and really made me relax so I could enjoy myself throughout the shoot. I never felt rushed and was able to change outfits many times.

The results are beyond my dreams! I absolutely love the images.
I will be coming back to Ginny when I achieve further weight loss and/or my confidence improves further to have more shots taken, possibly even boudoir shots.”


Anya | Gorgeous You Photography

“It was really important for me to book a shoot with Ginny because my beautiful little sister has been struggling with an eating disorder for 3 years now, and I wanted to show her that no matter what, everyone is beautiful in their own special way. I have always had a bad relationship with my body and it was my way of being able to realise I am perfect just the way I am and to start loving myself more. I was very nervous about being in my lingerie, but Ginny made me feel super beautiful and supported for the whole shoot, I couldn’t have done it without her.

The shoot was such an incredible experience; I had so much fun! I was super nervous before, but after, I felt so free and happy and confident. The location was beautiful – the studio is so lovely and the hair and makeup artist (Nicky @NWMake) was so kind and caring – she made me feel amazing, and my makeup was so lush, I have started wearing red lips more. I was absolutely blown away by my images – I couldn’t believe they were me; they were even better than I ever could have imagined. I think it was the first time I actually said to myself that I was perfect.

I got everything and more I can’t put into words how much they changed my whole opinion of myself. I brought a photo album at the end with 10 of my images in, and every time I am feeling low about my body or just having a bad day, I flick through them, and it reminds me that I am beautiful and worthy and perfect in my own special way.

To anyone considering booking a similar shoot, I would say absolutely do it! It really changed things for me and made me feel a lot happier in my skin. It’s not just a photoshoot; Ginny also offers incredible body confidence coaching, which really turned things around for me in just 2 weeks! I was so surprised and delighted; she made the whole experience so enjoyable.

Ginny is one of the most incredible ladies I have ever met in my life; she is kind, caring, compassionate and just all round lovely. She has completely changed my life – I have even decided to go into coaching myself because of her. So I thank her from the bottom of my heart.”


Steph bridal boudoir shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“This year, I’m getting married, turning 30 and intend to try for a baby so it really feels like an end of a chapter in my life. I wanted to gift Michael (my fiancé) some images that I feel beautiful in and that remind us of this really exciting, happy time in our lives. I loved your ethos and the fact that you help women feel beautiful and confident exactly as they are. You have reminded me throughout this experience that no one is ‘perfect’, that social media is curated and that there is so much that I can do for myself to feel good in my own skin. I was so worried that I wouldn’t like myself in the images, that I’d pick myself apart but your clear directions and kind reassurances made me more excited than nervous to see them in the end.

You were fun, friendly, calm and made me feel like it was no big deal to stand butt-naked in front of you! I loved how innovative you were, using props etc to create a bed or different textures – it made the experience feel very creative. Your instructions and directions were crystal clear throughout the shoot and really helped to put me at ease. It was so easy to instantly trust you and I came away on a high. I liked the intimacy of the location and felt safe there. I was amazed with all the different settings/looks you could create! The make-up artist (Nicky @NWMake) was so lovely, asked lots of questions about my usual style and the look I was hoping to have for the photos. Her regular touch-ups and close eye on my pesky fringe made me feel like a model on set! I didn’t want to take the make-up off that evening and would really recommend booking a night out after a shoot to other clients to make the most of their hair and make-up.

I love the photos! I can’t stop looking at them online and can’t wait to have the actual album and share them with Michael. I hoped that I would look at the photos and not hate them, but I didn’t expect to love them so much. I felt really emotional seeing them for the first time, and I think that was because they feel like a celebration of who I am now, in the final year of my 20s and before so many life-changing events. You managed to capture so much feeling in the photos and I’ll be forever thankful to have had this experience! My favourite image is the black and white image where I’m lying on my back in a blue body suit and holding a rose. I look at that image and can’t believe it’s me!

Since doing the shoot, I’ve been even more conscious of being kinder about myself/body/condition of skin. I also feel that I have a reference to look back on when I feel low about myself – the images are a lovely reminder that I can be beautiful too. I would totally recommend doing this type of photoshoot to other women. I think it does so much for self-esteem and confidence and that everyone should do it.”


Dani Wallace, The Queen Bee, The Metro, body celebration boudoir shoot

“I had spent so long learning to love and accept my body and rid myself of the inherent fatphobia that society impresses upon us that contending with the idea I needed to change my body, and quick, felt strange. I was a 38-year-old, size 24 woman, who weighed 19 and a half stone. Loving our bodies is not something we – particularly women – are conditioned to do, especially when we are considered plus-sized or ‘overweight’… To have embraced my size, and show up in the world unapologetically, had taken a considerable amount of work…

Even though I knew that my body was about to change dramatically [from having gastric band surgery for health reasons], keeping the spirit of truly loving myself as I went through this process was really important to me…

I wanted to approach my decisions in celebration of myself. My body, after all, has got me through the darkest of times and I wanted to take a moment to appreciate it before it changed forever. I wanted to prove to myself that my body can still be sexy, whatever size it is.

Connecting with myself by documenting where I was pre-surgery helped me see the importance of loving myself at every stage of my life, and incentivised me to continue doing so proactively and intentionally, rather than merely accepting this is what I am.”

(As featured in The Metro, “I love my plus-size body, so I was gutted to be told to lose weight for my health” – 28th January 2022)

Dani Wallace

Lisa Johnson's fun Boudoir shoot - white shirt | Gorgeous You Photography

“I coach hundreds of women at all stages of life and I wanted to empower them to know that they can love themselves whatever they look like – age, size, body shape – we are all unique and beautiful. With hindsight, there’s nothing I would have done differently. I loved it. You made it so much fun and like it was a special experience. You covered anything I would have been nervous about and you knew what would make the shot look better so it was easy to trust you! The photos are so empowering which is exactly what I wanted. I love them and so do my audience. I really liked the location as it had all the different rooms and it was secluded. Really nice MUA who worked with the look I had hoped would work! My plan for these photos is to use on Social media to inspire others. May favourite is the one of me laughing in the shirt as it shows a softer side to me than I would usually show. Since having this photoshoot I’ve inspired more people which was what I wanted. I would definitely recommend doing this type of photoshoot to other women. It’s so empowering!”

Lisa Johnson

Claire Pestana, Life Coach | Gorgeous You Photography

“I needed photos for my new website and business venture. I was looking for someone who could take some indoor and some outdoor photos – a mixture of headshots and lifestyle brand story shots. The look and feel of your brand and website seemed a natural fit to my own brand and values. The service you offered as a body confidence coach tied in nicely with your photography offering and my own life-coach venture. I am not used to focusing on me. It doesn’t feel or come very naturally, and so I was worried because my business is as a Life coach specialising in mid-life authenticity – and I needed to be comfortable with that.

My shoot experience was calm, creative and well-organised. I feel that you worked to get every shot I had in mind, as well as bring your own ideas. I was worried before the shoot, but I didn’t need to be at all! Thank you so much. I think the dual-location of river and my home worked well for what I needed and that you really worked to accommodate my requirements. Annabelle was so nice, and I was really thrilled with the hair and make-up, which she managed to get really natural.

I think my images were just what I had in mind with regard to location, and I feel so relieved and pleased to have some great landscape ones for my website! My favourite is the portrait one of me with the purple flower behind and closely followed by the one of me in the mirror at home and me with my cat! Thank you for being so nice to work with and taking a natural interest in what I needed to achieve!”

Claire Pestana

Kristie with feather collar | portrait shoot with sisters | Gorgeous You Photography

“I booked this shoot because I had gone through a very difficult time in my life, during which I had low self-esteem and poor self-image. I got through this and became strong, and taking part in the photo shoot gave me a boost, and made me feel empowered. To experience it with my sisters meant a great deal to me.

I booked you because you’re the best! Before the shoot I was most nervous about feeling exposed or awkward, but you made me feel relaxed and confident. Both me and my sisters thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. During the shoot I felt empowered and it gave me a real boost. It was also a lot of fun. The location was great, and the hair and makeup artist was fantastic.

I can’t tell you how happy I am with the photos. I felt quite emotional when I saw them. My sisters were over the moon with their shots, and those I have shared them with have been thrilled. I have given some as gifts and kept the rest for myself. I have framed the larger prints, and they are on my wall. I just wanted to show me, and the style I chose was creative and artistic. It worked really well. My favourite photo is the headshot with the feathers. It’s beautiful, and I look strong.

Having this photoshoot has given me a real boost which has impacted other parts of my life and relationships positively. I don’t think there is anything you could do to improve your service, it’s the best! I would definitely recommend it to other women: Go for it; you’ll feel liberated, empowered, and gorgeous.”


Nikki, Bury Court Barn Boudoir Shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I wanted a photo shoot for my 60th birthday and coaching to make me more confident. I was nervous at the beginning about smiling but then got more confident 🙂 There is nothing I’d have done differently; everything was perfect! I felt completely at ease with you taking my photos. The location was lovely, and Nicky was excellent at making me look my best.

My photos are FABULOUS! My plan for these photos is to show them off to my friends and update my profile picture. In the future, I’d love more photos with my wig on my rock chic side 🤘(I’ve already booked another shoot!)

My favourite photo is of me sitting on the stairs – I feel very sexy. This experience has definitely made me feel more confident. Your service is 100%; I would definitely recommend you to others because you put women at ease, and it’s a chance to go and enjoy yourself!”


Nicole the body confidence coach - plus size boudoir shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“This time in my life I was honestly struggling with my own confidence even though I am a body confidence coach. I was struggling with the weight gain from my eating disorder and honestly just wasn’t myself.

Honestly, I just vibed with Ginny as a person – I love your passion and your lack of judgement (when it comes to bodies) and that you aren’t phased by different bodies. I think you will be the perfect person to make my clients feel great about themselves at the end of their journey with me.

I was most nervous about getting my skin out, particularly my stomach as I have always struggled with my overhang. Ginny was very encouraging but not condescending, she has that good balance of passion and excitement but it’s real, not something she acts out for clients, which I love.

I love them, the pics I thought I would look the worse in were the ones I loved the most (not your photography just my negative thoughts) and even my mother loves them! My mother was afraid that I would be judged and she always tells me how pretty I am (mums eh) but she honestly loved them too.
My husband rather did enjoy the underwear and naked ones!

I think if anything I saw a side of myself I thought I never would, the feedback and positive comments I have received from these pictures have been amazing and has benefited my business presence immensely.”


Michelle's boudoir shoot - black and white shot from behind | Gorgeous You Photography

“I think I have got to a time in my life where I realised I’m (obviously) not as young as I used to be and was looking for something to help boost my confidence, I work hard trying to keep fit and because I always look at myself in the mirror in the same clothes, the same looks I never see any difference so I booked the photo shoot to try and see myself from another perspective. It was actually my husband’s idea, he thought I needed to have more confidence in myself and I should be happy in my own body and this would help. It certainly did.

I am quite a shy person who wasn’t very confident, a huge people pleaser who was always very conscious of how people perceived and thought of me so I was very nervous about how I would come across to you. But after speaking with you on our Zoom call all of those thoughts disappeared, I have also been doing my own work on this anyway so I worked on telling myself ‘be yourself Michelle’ ‘be true to yourself’ so although I was still a little nervous about having my pictures taken in my underwear they were just normal, natural and excitement nerves.

The photoshoot was absolutely better than I imagined, you and Natasha made me feel so welcome and comfortable, it couldn’t have gone any better for me to be honest, I wouldn’t change a thing (except maybe being more prepared with outfits that actually matched)! At first, I felt quite nervous about the posing as I have never done anything like this before but because of your guidance, I felt totally comfortable.

I absolutely LOVE the photographs, I knew your work was amazing as I have seen a lot of it on your website and social media but never in a million years did I think that my pictures would look as good as those ones. I am so pleased with them I can’t thank you enough. The finish with the photo box too is amazing, really professional and I will cherish them forever. Honestly, I LOVE them and can’t stop looking through them! If I ever have any negative thoughts about my body I will just whip them out and bring myself back in line! My confidence levels are LOT higher than they were before I saw the photos, I can’t stress how happy I am with them!”


Fiona's boudoir shoot - cheeky white shirt uniform shot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I wanted the photoshoot to record my passage into old age having had my 65th birthday! It was important because I have a special person in my life and wanted to share this. I booked the shoot as it was a recommendation from a friend who showed me her album of photographs, which I loved, so I didn’t shop around.

Initially, I was nervous that I would look stupid. But I had great support from Ginny during the shoot. It all went smoothly. I relaxed easily during the photoshoot, despite initial misgivings. I loved the location and the hair & makeup artist made a great job of it.

I really love the photos! I’m so glad I put in the time to research some of the poses and styles I loved beforehand and Ginny worked with me to direct the best outcome. The photos were a gift for my special man. The reaction was amazing! He was absolutely wowed by the content and my ‘model like’ photos!!

I wanted to show that I was happy, for the first time in years, and Ginny captured that spirit. I have so many favourite photos!
An injection of confidence was definitely the outcome. I would definitely recommend doing this shoot to other women, if they have the time and money.”


Aleksandra, Evening gown, Portobello Hotel, London Boudoir

“There’s nothing more empowering than accepting your body as it is right now. I knew I had to have some serious surgery, and illness was taking its toll…feeling sexy again and recording my pre-surgery body was important to me on that journey to acceptance.

I wanted to work with someone I didn’t know, and had seen Ginny’s friendly presence on socials. I’m used to styling, and so being on the other side of the camera, not in the limelight! In my work, I believe it’s important to embrace all sides to ourselves, especially as we get older and some sides can become hidden.

Personally, I wanted to see a more sensual and sexy side, and that was fun to visually explore. Ginny’s approach to coaching helps you to better reflect on yourself, and her soft approach is nurturing and gentle.

Ginny is kind and fun, knows how to work with angles, and put you at ease. She really wants to understand your needs and desires, and makes appropriate suggestions. She’s sometimes a little bit cheeky, and that lightens the nerves in a funny way! It was an empowering day, where I felt fully myself, and it was a good deal of fun, I’d recommend it to anyone! It’s important to entrust yourself to the team, and hair and make-up was so much fun, even if I don’t wear much make-up in my day to day life.

I love the photos, they make me feel glamorous and allow me to explore different sides of myself. A special secret box (with 15 individual prints) just for myself is a wonderful thing right now. When I remember the day that I gifted this to myself, and the pictures, I feel more beautiful. And sexy.”


Sara's boudoir shoot, Red lingerie, Boudoir photographer UK

“I’m going through a divorce and had some mental health issues early 2021, this was to rebuild my confidence and to show I made it through!

I absolutely love the images! More than I expected with the presentation box and how the photos themselves are presented. I wanted to show I am a survivor and I am strong. I think the photos are very powerful, my daughters love them too!

Since doing the shoot, my confidence has certainly increased, my marriage was very emotionally abusive and I always felt too fat or ugly. These pictures show otherwise, I didn’t know I looked like that!

I would absolutely recommend doing a boudoir shoot with Ginny to other women, I think every woman should do this to gain confidence in how they look, and to look back in 20 years and say that was them!”


Debbie's portrait shoot - black and white laughing shot | Gorgeous You Photography

“Devastatingly, I lost my husband suddenly 5 years ago. This year I am trying to move on with my life and decided that a photoshoot would help build my confidence and self-esteem. I thought the images on your website were amazing and loved your personality, compassion and drive to help the clients.

I was nervous about everything – absolutely detest having photos taken and avoid them at all costs. I’m very shy and don’t make eye contact with people very often.

The photos made me cry (in a good way). I cannot believe I am now the proud owner of 12 photos I absolutely love, so thank you. I’m going to show them to my friends, admire them on a regular basis and hang one on the wall. I’m also looking to try dating this year, so will use one or two on a dating app. THANK YOU SO MUCH xx My favourite photo from the shoot: B+W in jeans – natural and fun!

Since having this experience, my life has changed as I feel more confident and proud. I would absolutely recommend doing this type of photoshoot to other women and already have. It’s a confidence booster and now hope to see myself as others do. I especially loved the boudoir experience and would encourage every woman to do this.”


Pregnancy Boudoir shoot - white floral set | Gorgeous You Photography

“I felt totally comfortable during the shoot. You were great at directing me in different positions to compliment my body and the camera and I didn’t need to think about it at all. I loved the fact there were lots of props to use (as well as whatever I brought) which really enhanced the photos. The studio was gorgeous! You would have no idea this was a garage in a garden, it’s so professional and has everything you need, styled beautifully.

My photos were simply perfect! You listened to my brief and delivered everything I asked for as well as more. I can’t believe I can look like I did and just viewing them was a real magical & emotional experience.

The photos are mostly for me to document this journey I have been on and to remind myself to embrace my pregnant body – it is so strong & powerful. I will be coming back for some newborn shots for sure and proudly display them all in a frame to remind me of what an amazing job I have been able to do! Having the photoshoot has allowed me to be more confident with showing off and not trying to hide my bump. It’s something that should be embraced & be proud of!

I would absolutely recommend doing this type of photoshoot to other women – at a time when you typically feel fat, frumpy & lethargic every woman should document their pregnancy journey to show themselves what strong beautiful women they are. If nothing else, it’s just nice to get all glam-ed up (even if you have nowhere to go!)”


Priya's branding shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I’ve always loved the idea of a personal brand photoshoot, but I have ZERO confidence in myself and in my body to look good. Ginny is so caring and down to earth. Speaking to Ginny, I quickly saw she understood my shyness (despite me being outgoing on the surface!); she ‘got’ me, and I could open up. She listened to me, heard what I was saying, understood how she could help me and now I have never felt more confident about my post-pregnant/middle-aged body!

Ginny offers a comprehensive body confidence coaching programme which I completed with her. Nothing was off-limits and with her support, I could start my journey of getting my self-worth back. I feel confident again after such a long time!!

I loved having my photoshoot with Ginny! If you are even slightly thinking about it, do it! You will not be disappointed! Ginny had already spent time with me discussing the shoot and how it works, what purpose I would have for the photos and we discussed the type of shots I was after. Everything was on brand and it was so much fun to do! Ginny gets the natural looks, nothing felt uncomfortable and the results show! I cannot fault the images at all in any way! They are everything I wanted and more! I feel so proud of myself and what I have achieved and the photo shoot reflects my journey perfectly.”


Sharon's boudoir shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I have always lacked confidence and hated having my photograph taken. Since my divorce two years ago I have been trying to improve my confidence and to try to feel good about myself. So I thought a photoshoot would help and I would hopefully be left with a beautiful picture of myself that I could be proud of. Turning 50 seemed like a perfect opportunity so I decided to go ahead.

I was most nervous about smiling, I really struggle to smile & look comfortable. I was extremely nervous at the start as one of my main anxieties were people looking at me, I have always tried to blend into the background and hoped nobody would see me. Ginny made me feel comfortable & when the shoot was over I wanted to do it again! The photos are beautiful and I love looking at them. Everyone that has seen them loves them too.  The studio is lovely and the makeup artist made me feel very comfortable. I would really recommend this experience!”


Black and white portrait at Portobello Hotel, London | Gorgeous You Photography by Ginny Marsh

“I knew I had to have some serious surgery, and illness was taking its toll…feeling sexy again and recording my pre-surgery body was important to me on that journey to acceptance. Ginny’s approach to coaching helps you to better reflect on yourself, and her soft approach is nurturing and gentle. When I remember the day that I gifted to myself, and the pictures, I feel more beautiful. And sexy.”


“Your coaching style is beautiful Ginny. You have empathy, warmth, connection, humour and the ability to hold space really well for your client. Your sensitivity to what your client is saying and feeling is beautifully communicated.”

Astrid Longhurst, Founder of The Institute for Body Confidence Coaching

“I don’t think I really realised how much I needed your coaching until we did it… Now I feel like I have my mojo back! I feel so much more confident in myself now I’m approaching 4-0! I’m in the next phase of my life and I feel like I’ve grown as a person and Ginny has helped me gain so much clarity around that, that I physically feel comfortable in my own skin. Especially as a Mum, we are used to feeling guilty for looking after ourselves but I’ve got that back, so thank you!”


“My husband and I booked a Headshot shoot with Ginny for our business, Swallow Design and Build Ltd. We are having a new website produced and needed professional shots. Despite the fact that neither of us like having our photo taken, Ginny made it as painless as possible, she really does know what she is doing! I managed to worry about everything before the shoot but I didn’t need to. I’m very grateful Ginny told me exactly how to stand and hold myself, as I had no clue! We are exceptionally pleased with the photographs she took, so much so that we brought the lot! All the photos are really really good, it’s going to be a really hard choice just choosing a couple for the website. THANK YOU SO MUCH. “

Swallow Design and Build Ltd

Mary | Gorgeous You Photography by Ginny Marsh

“Being over 50 can bring its challenges, the symptoms of menopause bring daily challenges, forgetfulness, not being able to finish sentences, tiredness, mood swings, hot flushes and loads of other unmentionable symptoms that people fail to talk about. This coupled with weight gain, left me feeling that the person I now see in the mirror was not me. There are very few photos of me in the family album…. So it was with some reservation that I went for a photo shoot with Gorgeous You Photography by Ginny Marsh. The result, far more than images on paper, was an injection of self confidence. I may have more days behind me than I do before me, but I am still me. Thank you Ginny for working your magic!!”


Mrs Davies Bridal Boudoir photoshoot | Gorgeous You photography

“Initially, I wanted the photoshoot to make me feel better about myself and to give me more body confidence for my wedding day as I was going to be wearing a dress with no sleeves. I then decided to give the printed images to my partner as a wedding gift. I met Ginny at a local wedding fair and I really liked Ginny’s style of photography.

I was really worried about looking fat in my images but Ginny takes photos of your “good side” and from flattering angles to best showcase you. Before I arrived I was really nervous but that soon passed as Ginny really does put you at ease and the makeover at the start really helps. I love the photos! My husband loves them, he couldn’t believe that I had the confidence to have these photos taken, he was really surprised and he kept saying ‘Wow – you look great!’ at each photo. I have recommended doing it to my mum and colleagues at work, as it helps you to love yourself and it makes you feel more confident!”

Mrs Davies

Mickayla's bridal boudoir shoot | Gorgeous You Photography by Ginny Marsh | Surrey Boudoir Photographer

“I always liked the idea of a Boudoir Photoshoot as a wedding gift to my fiancé. When I met Ginny at a Wedding Fayre it was meant to be! I was nervous to see how they turned out and if I would feel body confident in time, as I was losing weight etc… but I wanted to show my fiancé I’d got my body confidence back!

I felt extremely comfortable! Ginny advised and instructed me throughout in a very clear way that helped me to get the best out of my photos. The studio is fab and it all went better than expected! I love the photos. I’m proud that I did it and that I have great images to look back on. My hair & makeup artist was so fun and helpful! My hair and makeup artist was so fun and so helpful! She goes above and beyond and doesn’t just stop at hair and makeup! The whole package is great; the experience, the way it makes you feel and the finished product is fantastic. I’d definitely recommend this to other women! I’m raving about it to friends family and colleagues!”


Ruxandra's 30th birthday photoshoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I wanted to have a photoshoot with Ginny as I had come out of a weird period of change in my life, happy and finally starting to feel confident again, and I wanted to celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday! Before the photoshoot, I tended to just freeze in front of a camera, get really awkward and have no idea what to do. I needn’t have worried at all as Ginny was an absolute dream and guided me every step of the way! I wouldn’t change a thing about the shoot, it went wonderfully and I relaxed into it! The studio is wonderful and bright, easy to get to and I was very pleased with the hair and makeup, I was really sad to take it off at the end of the day! I had the best day and ended up really enjoying it! I felt so comfortable and BEAUTIFUL and I was guided on how to pose and what to do. It was such a special day!

The photos completely and utterly exceeded my expectations I am so chuffed with them!! I love every single one!! They mark such an important period in my life and I shall cherish them forever… I look gorgeous!! I have told every woman in my life this is something they must do! It is so empowering and makes you feel beautiful and strong, ESPECIALLY if this is outside of your comfort zone.”


Stephanie's headshot shoot | Gorgeous You Photography

“I had never done a Photoshoot before and I felt that I should challenge myself, get out of my comfort zone and experience it with Ginny. I hoped to have at least one photo of myself that would make me smile when I look at it, that I could use for my website and social media to promote my business. I was so nervous. I always am in front of the camera. I concentrated on Ginny and her kind smile, it helped me and I even had a bit of fun! I am forever grateful to Ginny. She is beautiful inside out. Thanks to her I relaxed, she captured these moments beautifully. I was hoping for one usable photo and now I have 4 that make me smile and I am proud to use them for my business because I feel that this is me. Who would have thought that this was even possible?”


Sara's Fabulous at 40 Boudoir photoshoot | Gorgeous You Photography Surrey

“This is my second time doing a shoot with Ginny. My first shoot was to give me a confidence boost after coming out of a long term relationship. I wanted to feel confident and ready to go into the daunting world of dating. For this year’s shoot, I had just turned 40 and I felt womanhood had only just hit me! The difference in the photos from 2015 to 2019 is amazing, I went from a girl to a woman. It’s like having a friend do your photoshoot, rather than a formal awkward shoot, where you just don’t know where to put yourself, it’s relaxed and most of all fun! It’s a fantastic studio and the makeup artist was great.

I came to Ginny because I wanted to look Fabulous at 40 and I wasn’t disappointed. They are tasteful, beautiful and capture the fun-loving side of me just as I hoped they would! Whenever I feel like I need a bit of a boost of confidence all I have to do is take a look at my fabulous photos and see the happy go lucky body confident woman that the photos portray! I am so lucky that I found Ginny! Now I have my own pictures as a legacy, I can show them off in my ripe old age and people will look at them and say… wow you didn’t look bad when you were 40! I was so surprised that I could have pictures that look so good.”


Jenny's Boudoir Shoot - A surprise wedding gift

“My body confidence has always been fairly low and I knew I needed a boost so thought this would be a perfect opportunity before my wedding. I gave the photos to my husband as a surprise wedding gift. The experience was totally amazing, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Ginny made me feel so at ease. Ginny’s directions were very friendly yet professional at the same time. Must admit the music playing and the prosecco flowing helped too…lol.

I love my photos and can’t stop looking at them. The photos look so seductive and totally blew me away when I first saw them. My confidence can be fairly low at times but looking back at the pics always makes me feel 1000% more confident. They remind me that I can be that sexy vixen again and spur me on to do whatever I want to do. When my husband saw the pictures, he loved them! He was so impressed by how amazing they were. I would 1 million % recommend doing a boudoir photoshoot with Ginny. She is amazing and her eye for detail is just fantastic. I would say don’t think…just email or pick up the phone and book the boudoir shoot, you won’t regret it!”


Sammy - competition winner & domestic abuse survivor | Ginny Marsh Photography

“I wanted to do this photoshoot because I would love to be more body confident. I know I shouldn’t be so down about myself, I should learn to love myself. I wanted to be proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and proving that I can do it. The whole experience was amazing! The studio is fantastic. When I looked in the mirror after I had my hair & makeup done, I was like, Oh my god! Wow. Is that what everybody sees? It’s beyond anything I could imagine, I felt so happy with myself!

There’s not one picture I don’t like, they’re amazing! It’s literally changed how I feel about myself a lot. Now I believe that I should start believing in myself more. My pictures show my cheeky side and have really brought out my true personality. I really enjoyed it and would definitely do it again. To anyone else in my situation – do it. Absolutely do it. You’ll just feel amazing. I walked out of the door and I was like a different person. There’s nothing that’s going to stop me now! If I can do it, you can! Now I smile a lot more. I don’t hide because there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Now I’m a new woman and I’m a lot more confident.”


Competition winner Tracy | Confidence-boosting photoshoot | Gorgeous You Photography by Ginny Marsh, Surrey

“As soon as I arrived Ginny and her team made me feel relaxed and welcome – and that made a huge difference. It was way better than I expected. I think the whole package is really quite amazing. I was nervous, but the hair and makeup lady calmed me down and she was lovely to be with.

My photos are really nice. So nice that I now realise that the compliments that have been made about me are true! I used to hide away if I had to have a picture, or just turn it into black and white, but now, I like coloured pictures, and I loved the fact that I wore a full-length dress. Honestly, the photoshoot has really boosted my confidence and I would definitely tell anyone else in my situation to just go for it. It has really helped with my self-confidence. It can be a challenge and even a brave thing to do – but it has had so much impact on me that it has inspired me to do other things. I’ve now committed myself to join a mindfulness group, which will help me develop more – it’s now time for me. Thank you, Ginny!”


Headshot mini shoot day | Gorgeous You Photography, Surrey

“I wanted a professional photograph for my website and social media, I was impressed with other profile headshots that Ginny had taken. Usually, I don’t like having my photo taken and felt a bit squeamish about it. I was worried that this would show in the photographs, I was also concerned about appearing vane on social media! I really enjoyed it, I enjoyed being made up and having my hair done and that made me feel more confident.

The studio has a lovely relaxed feel about it, it’s clean, bright and airy and the professional surroundings made me feel more confident. They’re great. I still don’t love looking at pics of myself, but these make me really look my best – younger (always a bonus!), professional and approachable. I’ve had lots of compliments! The location was very convenient for me. Loved the style and decor of the studio. Really impressed with my hair and makeup.”


Mrs S. glamorous portrait shoot to celebrate weight loss | Ginny Marsh Photography

“I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, I felt really pampered from a glass of bubbly, to having my hair and makeup done and feeling like a princess! Ginny made me feel totally relaxed and helped me pose in different ways to get the images I was after. I had no concerns before the shoot because Ginny explained exactly what to expect and how to get the most out of it.

Ginny’s studio was lovely. Very cosy without feeling cramped. Well lit and beautifully decorated with great backdrops and props for the photos. The hair and makeup artist was spot on. She did my hair exactly how I wanted and the makeup exceeded my expectations….absolutely fantastic!

When I saw my images, I was gobsmacked at how amazing I looked! I was really thrilled with the results and had lots of favourites but one of the images really stood out for me because it captured a look that I really wanted.

Ginny’s attention to detail is incredible and she really goes out of her way to create images that the individual client really wants. I would highly recommend Ginny for a photoshoot.”

Mrs S

Headshot mini shoot day | Gorgeous You Photography, Surrey

“I booked a shoot because I needed a new professional social media headshot and also another photo for an interview for one of my suppliers for a testimonial. Prior to the shoot, I was just generally nervous having my photo taken and have no confidence in it either, but the experience was absolutely brilliant. I was put totally at ease by Ginny. It was all very natural and flowed.

It was a perfect location and mainly due to the off-road parking. The makeup artist very much put me at ease too. I’m very pleased with my images. I didn’t know my eyes were that colour! Ginny has a completely professional and personal approach.”


Jackie's 25th wedding anniversary & birthday portrait shoot

“The images were for a 25th-anniversary gift and business, so I think the balance was just right. Ginny gave me the confidence to choose more glamorous outfits than I had originally selected and it certainly made me think about the image I wanted to portray.

Thank you both so much for a lovely afternoon. I felt relaxed, empowered and importantly cared for!  Your working partnership means that everything was seamless. I don’t think I would change anything about the shoot.

I felt very comfortable during the shoot. I was a little reticent and self-conscious beforehand, but the afternoon was lovely. The photos are beautifully crafted and I was surprised how relaxed I looked. I certainly have what I expected. I could have bought more.”


Valerie's weight loss shoot | Ginny Marsh Photography

“Having lost 11 stone with Slimming World and about to reach a milestone age this year, I thought it would be nice to have some professional photographs of myself and my twin sister. I have always felt I look bad when having my photo taken. Either looking goofy or standing badly and never really knowing how to pose.
I was apprehensive at first, especially as I had never had someone do my hair and makeup just before having my picture taken. The hair and makeup artist was lovely and helped us to relax. She checked we were happy with what she had done, and if not, she tweaked it until we were satisfied. I soon relaxed and began to enjoy the whole experience. I’m really pleased with the images and feel they really reflect the real me and without the awkward posture and poses!”


Boudoir Photographer Surrey | Ginny Marsh Photography

“I couldn’t be more happy with my images. I knew they’d be good, but they are far beyond my expectations. Every time I look at them I feel more gorgeous!!!!

I pretend I have incredible confidence, but I don’t. Actually, I am pretty self-damning and don’t feel remotely feminine or sexy. I never thought I would ever do this type of shoot as I couldn’t imagine wanting to look at images of myself up on a wall. Now I want to put them everywhere!!!!!

I was most nervous about getting into revealing clothes and underwear and trying to pose making myself look natural and not too staged. Ginny knows the best way to pose me to get the best out of my body for the camera and I’m amazed at the results!!! I actually AM sexy and gorgeous.

Would I recommend the shoot to others? Totally. Do it!!! Whatever your age, shape or size, you’re gorgeous. You can be understated, wearing jim jams, sexy underwear, whatever you feel comfortable in and you will treasure these images forever.”


Emma's boudoir shoot | Ginny Marsh Photography Surrey

“I followed all the advice and went to bed early having washed and blow dried my hair which was a great experience in itself as I felt great in the morning (unusual for me on a Saturday).

I LOVED the hair and makeup and champagne and although I was nervous and a bit self-conscious at the start of the shoot it soon wore off and we had great fun.

I didn’t want it to be over! And the results and the slideshow a week later were amazing – which for some reason I was convinced they wouldn’t be, which is crazy as I’ve seen lots of Ginny’s work and it’s all amazing.

But I think we all feel very self-conscious and kid ourselves that we aren’t at all photogenic when in fact we just need a talented photographer! I especially liked that my personality came out so it wasn’t just pictures that didn’t really look anything like me, there were plenty of character shots too.”


Ema the Hair & Beauty Artist | Ginny Marsh Photography

“Ginny Marsh is a fantastic photographer, her work is fresh and natural and yet she seems to effortlessly bring the best out of everyone she photographs. I work with her regularly as a makeup and hair artist and she puts everyone at ease, the most nervous subjects soon relax and enjoy the shoot with her. The results are always amazing.”

Ema the Hair & Beauty Artist

This is Eloise | Ginny Marsh Photography

I strongly see Ginny as a big part of my business success. Photos tell stories; before working with her I had professional headshots but they didn’t reflect my personality and business. As a web designer, I can create magic with code and content, but the right branding photos add the cherry on top. Clients come to me because I’m all about showing personality in my clients’ websites. When I showed my personality I attracted the right people! And my leads went up by 25% –> Not even kidding!!

Thank you Ginny for such a wonderful time and such amazing photos ❤️

Eloise (@ThisisEloise)

Renaissance Interiors Branding Shoot | Ginny Marsh Photography

“I needed some professional images for my website and social media to make my business and brand stand out. However, I wasn’t really sure what that looked like or what images I really needed. Branding shots are so much more than taking a great headshot and Ginny totally understood what I needed for multiple platforms. She took a variety of shots that contained different styles and characters with different crops for various uses so that I have a portfolio of images to draw upon for marketing. Ema did my hair and make-up and we had loads of fun in the studio; I am so pleased with the result. I would highly recommend Ginny to anybody else that needs to boost their personal brand and be more visible online.”

Karen Chapman (Renaissance Interiors)

Jenny's Makeover portrait shoot | Ginny Marsh Photography

“Ginny explained how the shoot would run, the kind of outfits I might wear, the things that I would like to get out of the shoot and essentially how I wanted to look…..how to show the real me. I suppose I was nervous about being in the ‘limelight’ – not something that I have experienced before in this sort of context – but in the event, I needn’t have worried at all. Ema did my hair and makeup prior to the shoot which in itself was a lovely experience and she really listened to what I wanted as well as giving me some great new ideas. Didn’t think I could look so glamorous when she’d eventually finished! The shoot itself was a relaxed, fun affair. I just loved it. Ginny was totally professional and at ease and helped me to be the best I could be. Lots of different poses, help with the outfits and jewellery. Ginny and Ema couldn’t have been more helpful and interested in me……and the photographs were awesome.
It was a great experience and something special to look back on.”

Jenny T

Mrs S Boudoir Photography | Ginny Marsh Photography

“You made me look and feel beautiful!
(Mr. S.) felt that yesterday was an experience rather than just a meeting. He wasn’t expecting the experience part of it, so he was really surprised and pleased. He keeps saying that the more he looks at the photos the more he loves them. I had a little spring in my step this morning after seeing the photos, you made me look and feel beautiful.
I didn’t see any of my flaws in the photos we picked, which I normally do, I just saw the good things. I don’t think I’ve ever had that with any photo of myself and now I have 12 photos that I love.???? Thank you so much again.”

Mrs S

Jasmine Flowers headshot | Ginny Marsh Photography

I saw Ginny’s post for headshots recently and had been meaning to do this for a while, but had been putting it off due to feeling awkward in front of the camera. I needn’t have worried! Ginny was great at explaining what would happen and putting me at ease. It took a few minutes but I started to relax and I am very happy with my headshot. A very professional service and a lovely end result. Thank you, Ginny, I would definitely recommend you to anyone needing a photographer.

Nicola (Jasmine Flowers)

Boudoir Photography Surrey | Ginny Marsh

“This was both as a self-confidence boost and a way of celebrating my body, given all of the exercise I’m doing at the moment! Ginny is a great photographer and put me at ease, so it was a completely obvious choice to book with her again.”


Wellbeing Seekers Personal Branding Shoot Surrey

Ginny did a wonderful personal branding shoot for me. Well prepared and scheduled with fantastic fun and relaxed atmosphere with gorgeous photos to use on my website and social media. Can’t recommend her highly enough!!


Boudoir photographer Surrey | confidence boosting photoshoot

Ginny was absolutely amazing! She listened to me thoroughly, took the time to understand me and catered to my incredibly fussy needs. She has a wonderful team of professional people around her, whom she can call upon to suit her client’s needs. Her studio is fabulous and remarkably versatile. We created so many different looks with various props, lighting and even a change of wallpaper! Needless to say, my husband’s reaction to his birthday present was more than I could’ve hoped for. I would feel happy, proud and confident to recommend Ginny to a best friend.


Personal Branding headshots Surrey

Today I got to experience something incredibly rare for me… I sat and looked through 30 photographs of myself without feeling like poop. In fact, I felt amazing, sexy, and GORGEOUS, which is the point of Ginny’s ‘Gorgeous You’ photoshoots.

I am completely blown away by the images and am looking forward to all the upcoming modelling contracts.

On a serious note, I’ve had a weird few years of having my face dismantled and put back together and to come through the other side and be able to see myself looking confident and beautiful is incredible. 
Thank you so much, Ginny. You’re a very talented and special person. I love the gift you give to women and will always treasure these images.

Rebecca Bromley

Headshot photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

I was lucky enough to have Ginny produce for me some fabulous headshots in her new studio. I am the person that cannot smile properly, and only ever pulls a silly face in front of a camera, but Ginny managed to some how put me at ease. She was so helpful with where to stand, how to angle every part of my body so that she can get the right shot – it was just great not to have to think about how I look, but just follow her instructions. I’m so pleased with the result and highly recommend her to anyone. Thanks Ginny x

Emily Gibson

I’m so pleased to have met Ginny! The power of social media works. I was looking for something to help boost my insecurities about the way I look and saw her post about self confidence photo shoots. I was so nervous about it, but Ginny is so fun to work with and the ladies that do your hair and makeup are great. I loved and have seen the photos today, I’m so pleased. It’s given me a huge boost! Thank you ladies

Claire Knight-Noel

Boudoir Photographer Surrey | Ginny Marsh Photography

Thanks so much Ginny for an amazing shoot! You were so helpful and understanding from day 1! Paying from so far away was a worry of mine and you made it so easy and were so understanding! The shoot was amazing I felt like a completely different person! I loved my pictures and so did my boyfriend !! can’t wait to come back! I’d recommend Ginny to anyone in and around London it’s worth every penny! Thanks again and lots of love all the way from Africa xx

Chonelle B

I can’t thank Ginny enough! I had an awesome day and experience I felt a million dollars. I decided to have a boudoir shoot done because my partner told me I was too old. I was annoyed by his remark so I wanted to prove a point and boy I certainly did, with Ginny’s expertise I nailed it. My partner won’t tell me that again….!!

Maureen R

Personal Branding photography Surrey

I contacted Ginny in need of some professional photography for a new project we’ve taken on. She organised the most amazing team; make-up/hair/stylist and model who were all excellent. The shoot went like clockwork and the pictures delivered quickly and on budget. Beautifully touched and watermarked. I hope business continues to grow and we will be using Ginny again, there’s so much to worry about in business and now I know great images and shoot organisation will not be one of them. 

Phil Carr – Carr & Burhill

Ginny Marsh Photography | Staff headshots

Ginny makes even the most nervous of person feel relaxed, Ginny is extremely professional and I would recommend her to anyone looking for professional, fun or wedding photographs. The photographs of my team are fantastic!

Emma Ratcliffe

Personal Branding photographer Surrey | Ginny Marsh Photography

Fun, entertaining and incredibly talented! I’ve taken a huge bag of stuff with me to change into but I needed only a fraction – I’ve used ginny to help me with my personal branding for my website and I’m so glad it was her! She knows how to make you look your best, without plastic surgery and lots of photoshop – and that, ladies and gents, means A HELL OF A LOT!

In the words of a famous Austrian (now Californian) governor – “I’ll BE BACK!

Adina Kroll

OMG where do I begin?! Had SUCH an amazing time! I felt comfortable from the word go and ginny is such a lovely lady, couldn’t have wished for anything better!

Leanne R

Personal Branding Photography | Ginny Marsh

Ginny has recently completed a photoshoot with me working with clients for my website. Ginny’s friendly and professional approach puts you at your ease immediately and this is reflected in the final photo’s. I am absolutely delighted with the results and highly recommend Ginny as a photographer for your business.

Linda Huckle

Boudoir Photography Surrey | Ginny Marsh Photography

Had a boudoir photo shoot with Ginny. Had the most amazing time. Ginny makes you feel very comfortable and listens to what your looking for out of the shoot. The photos are fantastic. Communication is top notch to. Would highly recommend Ginny! Thank you for making my other halfs Valentine’s Day!


Headshot photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

Ginny’s technical skills coupled with her calm and gentle guidance on posture and pose brings out the best in people and it shows in the photo she took of me.

I have received a lot of compliments on my headshot which is very gratifying and gives me confidence when making new contacts.

Susan Bonnett

De Courceys Manor | Ginny Marsh Photography

We absolutely LOVE our wedding photos… Oh my goodness I don’t think I can find the words for quite how much!!! I literally can’t stop looking at them. You captured our day perfectly thank you soo much. Also very impressed that I didn’t realise you were there in a lot of the natural ones hehe!

I know I won’t need to convince you by saying I would recommend you in a heart beat, as both my sister and one of my best buddy’s have now booked you lol! You are so talented and such a lovely, relaxed person, can’t wait for the album now eeeeep gonna be hard to choose.

Lucy and Paul

LGBT wedding photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

Ginny was amazing! So lovely and friendly, made us feel at ease as we are normally camera shy. Love the photos so far! Would highly recommend, as Ginny is professional and down to earth. Herself, Nicci and Kimberly helped us keep our cool throughout as well which definitely helped with the nerves on the day! So glad we found her and so looking forward to seeing all the photos, thank you so much

Beth and Laura

Ginny was amazing leading up to the wedding and on the day. Lots of our guests commented on how lovely she was and how at ease she made them feel. My husband and I aren’t the best at posing for photographs but she managed to catch some lively moments. The video she produced for us was amazing and really captured the essence of the day. We’re so happy with our photographs and would highly recommend Ginny for any wedding.

Anna and Floyd

Tunnels Beaches wedding photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

When we met with Ginny to discuss our wedding and our vision for the day I felt confident that Ginny understood what we wanted. Ginny is extremely personable so you feel comfortable in her company. A lot of our guests thought she was a family friend so I think that testifies to how well she fitted in. She was also a huge help on the day making sure we were on time, helping to carry our things to the venue, reapplying my lipstick etc. She made sure we didn’t miss any opportunities for great photos either and as a result we have a stunning sunset picture of us together on the beach. Her photos are natural and captured the essence of our day and each precious moment. I am so thankful we choose Ginny.

Lucy and James

Surrey Wedding Photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

Wow! Words cannot describe how happy we are! We cannot tell you how incredibly delighted we were to view our wedding pics, you have captured our moments and true love just perfectly and are so so thrilled…

You really captured our beautiful day in the way I had always dreamed of and I am even more thrilled I actually come out ok in pictures for once after years and years of being shy and scared of getting my picture taken, that and I am the most un-photogenic awkward person!

You were such an integral and supportive caring character to be around and we are beaming with joy we choose you, can’t wait for the next round!!

Amy and Darren

Froyle Park wedding photographer | Ginny Marsh Photography

Ginny and her colleague, Charlie, photographed our wedding in October. We are delighted with the images they produced and the video fusion that Ginny put together is wonderful. It really captures the fun and happiness of the day in a few minutes – great memories. I would certainly recommend Ginny. She captured some lovely candid shots during the day and many things that I would have missed if it wasn’t for her lovely pictures. She’s lsuper to work with too and blended in with the guests on the day so her work was unobtrusive allowing everyone to get on with enjoying themselves. Massive thanks

Judy and Will
