15th March 2017
Meet Adina – Business Coach for Women | Lifestyle Personal Branding Shoot
Amazing Adina
Having a job that is my passion, my hobby and generally my life is amazing and I feel so honoured to make so many people happy by doing what I love.
Meeting amazing clients is a bonus!
Adina currently works in the corporate world and specialises in IT, but her real passion is empowering women in business and so she is starting up a business to do just that. It’s business coaching targeted at women who want more, but don’t know how and where to start.
When we met for our initial consultation, it became clear we could help each other and I’m very much looking forward to working with her on an ongoing basis!
Adina wanted to show the real side of herself to her potential clients. Transparency and reality are two concepts in Photography that are my style through and through.

When I do a personal branding shoot it’s really important for me to find out as much about my clients as possible, so I can make sure they get images that represent them and their brand, and deliver the message they want to get across. I asked Adina a few questions…
What 5 words would describe your business?
Motivational, Inspirational, different, Loud, for chicks with balls (not a word i know ;))
What inspired you to start this career?
I was “bred” to be the perfect german citizen – to go to school, go to uni, get a prestigious job, have 1.47 kids, work my buns off to have a little money when I’m old grey.
I don’t feel this is what human beings are made for. I don’t believe anyone of us is designed to sit in an office cubicle-confined to the restrictions society considers as “success”. I don’t believe a person’s wealth and success is a one size fits all. Success has to be defined individually and I plan to see this through and create a movement for a lack of a better word. In a world where you can be anyone with the help of the internet, be someone who does great things.

What keeps you inspired?
I’ve already told a lot of people about my business idea and I believe that with enough determination anyone can achieve whatever they want. So It’d be very embarrassing if i didn’t prove my point 😉
What are you most proud of?
I’ve helped someone start to see the world through different eyes, and she has started to set things in motion that will make her life a blast. She’s going from one fashion show to another and studies a few subjects on the side so she can open her own fashion boutique. All that from being miserable and thinking that working in an office is all there ever will be. She thanked me and said I made a huge difference to her life.
What’s your favourite place or hangout?
I LOVE a good mojito or red wine. So anywhere that serves a decent glass with a hip lounge area does me just fine – I can read, chat and watch my surroundings in those places all day

After Adinas shoot, I asked for some feedback and was overwhelmed to receive this lovely review…
Why I chose Ginny By Adina Kroll
When you’ve never even looked at professional photography before, your google search looks something like this: “website photography”, “Website photography in Farnham”, “website photography in Farnham for backgrounds”, “Website photography in Farnham for backgrounds + professional”…
I’m not lying when I tell you that anything BUT website photography came from it. Google kept telling me “wedding”
Well, I decided to email any photographer I could find in the area. Fifteen emails later and only ONE reply.
It was Ginny! I’d be fibbing if I said that I would have liked someone else. I don’t think just ANYONE have done the job.

You see, I wasn’t sure what the “thing” I wanted was called. I wanted to use my pictures as a background, but not really be the focus on my website. Just enough to give people an idea of who I am and what I’m like. I wanted them to tell a story of what they get when they work with me. How do you even put that in words?
So Ginny emailed me back and we met on the same day. (she also gave me a hug when I first saw her – I mean that has “charming” written all over it!!) and charming it was. I showed her examples of websites I’d seen and the style I wanted.
She knew exactly what I was looking for and gave me a bit of “homework” to think about. Like – what I might want to wear, where I might want to go…this sort of homework.

Long story short – I wanted pictures of me that didn’t look like my arm dislocates from holding my iPhone as far away as I can. And Ginny also managed to make me forget about my insecurities. (because let’s face it – we all have them!)
So we sat at a bar with a glass of wine “click, click, click” it was so much fun. I wouldn’t be surprised if this became an addiction. ( who wouldn’t be addicted to feeling great eh?)

In short: Ginny is a camera genius and that’s also her superpower. (she’s also a great laugh – so be prepared)

Wow! What a lovely testimonial to get!! Doing Adina’s shoot didn’t feel at all like work. We really did have good fun and I think that is half the battle with getting fab results!!
If reading this has made you think that you ought to do something with your Website and Social Media pages, please Contact Me to arrange a Headshot session or perhaps a Personal Branding Shoot?
Many thanks for reading!
Ginny x

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