3rd September 2015

Charly’s Boudoir Shoot, Hotel De Vie, Farnham, Surrey

I’m SO EXCITED about a shoot I did for Charly, who writes for the 30 Dates Blog!!

She wrote a wonderful review about her experience, which I’m so thrilled about, as it gives an honest account and point of view of one of my clients (and most importantly she loved the whole experience!).

Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey

Charly starts off with her point of view of why you should do a boudoir shoot…

“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about dating is just how vital self-confidence is. Before you can even begin to search for someone to love, you need to love yourself. Think about it … when you look back at the Sex and the City girls, who had the most fun? Samantha. Because she was the one most confident and happy in her own skin. I remember watching the episode where she poses for a naked photo shoot, and hoping that I felt that way about my body in my forties.
The thing about being a woman in 2015 is that it can be tough sometimes to appreciate your curves. Particularly if you’re a single woman. But as any man worth his salt will tell you, curves are beautiful. Those of us who possess them just need to be reminded of it, every now and again…”

Here’s a few pics from her shoot – doesn’t she look gorgeous!!

Boudoir by Ginny MarshCharley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey
Charley's Boudoir Shoot | Hotel De Vie | Farnham | Surrey

You can see Charly’s whole review of her boudoir photo shoot experience, HERE

Charly is also Global Head of Dating for Time Out Magazine and founder of the UKDating Awards… check out more about her and her blog HERE

Check out this fabulous Cinemagraph I made from her shoot (I don’t usually make these for my clients but they can be available upon request!).

Cinemagraphs are made up of a video clip and one still image taken from the video clip. It has to have a bit of repetitive movement in it, such as hair blowing in the wind, to give the still image life – I use specialised software to paint in the areas I want to add movement from the video, then set it on a loop. And Voila! You have a Harry-Potter-style living image!

If you’re thinking of booking a boudoir shoot for yourself or your partner, please Contact Us for a full price list and to check availability ☺ Our most popular products are a collection of gorgeous albums to display your fabulous images.

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