17th March 2017
Embrace both of your good sides… Portrait Shoot Tips!
You Are Not Alone
Over the years, I’ve heard just about every excuse for why people hate getting their photo taken. I’ve heard everyone tell me they are nervous. Everyone is worried about looking terrible in their photos.
So… it’s time for a reality check. It’s time to show yourself the ‘Gorgeous You’ – you’re worth it and you’re not alone when it comes to photo phobia. I’ve never met anyone who has told me they are awesome in front of the camera (who’s not a model!). Everyone. Literally. EVERYONE says they are nervous at being in front of the camera. Trust me, you’re not alone. If anyone ever meets me and says, “I can’t wait to do photos because I love being in front of the camera!” I’ll be sure to let you know on this blog!!
Nobody is born with the gift of being photographed. Including you and especially including photographers. If you say you’re the worst, I promise I was worse!!! BUT practice makes perfect 🙂
Sometimes you just have to face your fear and HAVE FUN with it!

Practise Your Pose
It may feel silly, but practice looking good in front of the mirror. If you are aware of how you hold your chin or how you look in a certain pose and know you like that – then we can replicate that.
A secret to looking good in photos is GOOD POSTURE – stand with your back straight. It makes you look confident and happy, even when you feel awkward. So practice that posture at the very least. Naturally, when you straighten your back you tend to put your chin up and out, so it’s a good thing to keep in mind.
Good posture can mean the difference between looking frumpy and looking slim!

No Bad Side
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A ‘BAD SIDE.’ All sides of you are good. Stop being self-depreciating! You don’t have a bad side. The only person who thinks you have a bad side is you.
However, I can pose you to bring out the best in you and your best features 😉

Relax, Drink Wine and Laugh!
Relax. The more you can laugh and chat with your photographer the more relaxed you’ll be in front of the camera.
My job is to make having your photo taken as painless as possible. I want you to laugh, giggle, and have fun – I want you to look and act like you’re having fun in front of the camera.
If you’re feeling nervous, I’m happy to meet you for wine or a coffee so we can get to know each other and erase those insecurities. Then I’ll know for sure what to say to make you laugh and feel at ease.

Multiple Chins
Sometimes you are going to have extra chins. Humans tend to when they laugh. All humans. Not just you. Everyone has extra chins when they laugh no matter what their size.
When we laugh we tend to tuck our chin in. If you don’t like the way you look when you’re genuinely laughing, try laughing forward instead of backward. It helps you stick your chin out.
Regardless, if you’re laughing in a photo and have extra chins I’m probably still going to show you that image. You might hate your chins now, but in years to come, you’re going to love that photo of you having a genuine amazing laugh!

The Story Behind The Photo
Memories are more important than looking perfect in every photo. Focus on fun times and memories rather than how perfect every detail is.
Your loved ones aren’t going to care about all the tiny details in your photos. They’re going to care about the story behind the photos.

Natural, Comfortable – but More is More!
I usually recommend for all my clients to have a professional makeup artist. That’s because she will not only get you to relax and ease any nerves, but she will know exactly what makeup to use that will last, and look good on camera.
The camera ALWAYS sees less than our eye. So if you think you’re wearing too much makeup, DON’T WORRY! It will look great in your photos!
On the other hand, you want to feel confident, so if you have your makeup done professionally and you just don’t feel like it’s ‘you’ – do say and get your makeup artist to adjust it until you’re happy!
If you feel really awkward, the chances are you’ll look really awkward.

Look Like You
The Photoshop Diet is probably the fastest acting, and most terrible for you of all diets. It’s also the least permanent. Even though I can make you look like something you’re not, it’s just not my style and I won’t do that.
You are amazing just the way you are. I choose to fix things that I think are temporary – like blemishes or a bruise, or a little lump or bump caused by tight fitting clothing. Those are all temporary things, not how you look all the time. Of course, I want you to look your best, and I might soften some wrinkles or lighten eye bags to make them not so obvious! I want you to look like the best version of you.
Remember who you are is beautiful, accepted, and worth it.
Love What You Wear
Wear whatever makes you comfortable AND confident. If you feel uncomfortable or something doesn’t fit quite right, you’ll look uncomfortable in photos. If your dress doesn’t fit you well, you’ll be adjusting it all night and that will be in photos.
Always dress in a way that makes you personally happy. That’s how to chose what outfit you’re wearing for engagement photos. If you love what you’re wearing, you’ll look confident and happy in your images.

If you’d like to discuss more about what I could do for you, we’d love to hear from you and answer any questions or doubts!
Many thanks for reading,
Ginny & Holly x
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