9th March 2021
Let’s celebrate AMAZING women and Choose to Challenge! #IWD2021
As it’s International Women’s Day, I thought it was a good excuse to celebrate AMAZING women and talk about this year’s theme – “Choose to Challenge”. I also want to give you some tips I’ve learned from attending Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within” 4-day event!
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is “Choose to Challenge”.
“A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change”
So let me ask you: What challenges you?
- How can you challenge yourself and your mindset?
This past weekend I’ve been taking part and challenging myself in a massive virtual event called “Unleash the Power Within” with International motivational speaker and coach, Tony Robbins. He’s coached some of the worlds most successful rich and famous people to be the best they can be. He’s all about helping people succeed in life and business and giving back to the world. If you haven’t heard of him before, Google him!
My top 2 tips that I’ve learnt are:
1. Create ENERGY to get into a peak state of positivity and vitality every day. Stick on some good tunes and dance/jump around whenever you’re feeling an energy slump. It does wonders for your mindset and energy levels!
2. Challenge your limiting beliefs/negative thoughts on a daily basis and turn them into positive thoughts that are the opposite of your negative ones. SMILE! The more you say them with FEELING and ENERGY, you’ll start to believe these new positive thoughts. These are called affirmations, or incantations.
This is now what I help my clients with, through Body Confidence & Wellbeing Coaching.
- Just think: How could your life be different if you believed in more empowering things?
An inspiring story of a woman who got told she was too fat to sell her products…
I want to tell you a story about an amazing woman called Jamie Kern Lima, who co-founded IT Cosmetics and is the first female CEO of a L’Oreal brand.
When Jamie set up IT Cosmetics with her husband, she wanted to help people like herself to cover up skin conditions like rosacea. At the time, there weren’t any brands and products that solved her need so she created her own. She spent 3+ years getting “NO”‘s from all the major cosmetics retailers and pretty much reached rock bottom in her mindset and bank account. Nobody wanted to sell her product.
But she kept going!
Then, when she finally got an interview, she got told (by a man) that women wouldn’t buy products from someone with her body and weight. It was another NO. This is the sort of comment that can destroy a woman and her self-esteem.
Even though it really hurt, she knew deep down that he was wrong. So she entered a beauty competition, and whilst she was there, she saw an opportunity to speak with someone from QVC.
FINALLY, she got an interview and got a YES after 3 years of NO from the same shopping channel! However, she then realised she only had 10 minutes to sell all of her products. And if that wasn’t difficult enough, if they didn’t sell fast enough in the first few minutes, they’d cut her time. The worst-case scenario was that she could end up having to go home with all her unsold products and declare herself bankrupt. She was advised by some of the “best” people on their sales team that she should use beautiful thin models with perfect skin to give her the best chance of selling. This just didn’t sit well with her.
Jamie trusted and went with her gut intuition.
Jamie decided to ignore the “experts” and go with her values of showing “real” women of all different shapes, sizes, ages and colours because she wanted to speak to people like her. She wanted to use herself and her own skin as proof of how well her product worked. She KNEW who her ideal client was and she knew that they wouldn’t relate to “perfect” models who fit society’s ideal beauty standards.
The result was that she sold out all of her products in 10 minutes and built the biggest beauty brand in QVC’s history! She started attracting all the major retailers, like Sephora, who had previously told her NO. They now wanted to sell her products. Finally, L’Oreal bought her company for $1.2BILLION.
She’s just launched a best selling book called Believe IT: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable. Feel free to check it out! (Please note, I haven’t read it but plan to!)
The moral of the story?
- BELIEVE in yourself and what you’re passionate about!
- KNOW yourself and your values!
- Have unwavering faith that it will all work out in the end!
Mindset is absolutely everything and key to allowing you to achieve your dreams. Business coaching and strategy by itself can only take you so far (as I have experienced). You need to work on your self-development and your core limiting beliefs FIRST. This is what stops so many people from reaching their goals and/or maintaining them; whether you want to lose weight, find your soulmate, set up your own business and/or be financially free.
Jamie Kern Lima’s values of empowering women like her and speaking to women of all different ages, shapes, sizes, colours, backgrounds etc are also some of my own.
We should all think about how much we judge ourselves and others, and what we believe. Our beliefs are not necessarily true; they are just our perception based on what we’ve been told, what we’ve learned and what we’ve experienced. The world, how you experience it and the people around you are simply just your perception of who they are.
Let’s start treating others more kindly, including ourselves!
You are amazing! You just might not know it yet…

If you’d love to have a chat about working with me to improve your body confidence, self-image, self-esteem, self-belief, self-worth, general mindset & happiness, rediscovering what makes you YOU and achieving your life & wellbeing goals…
Click here to book a free chat
Or, check out my confidence-boosting photoshoots here
Many thanks for reading, feel free to send me an email to let me know your thoughts! info@ginnymarsh.co.uk
Ginny x
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