6th June 2018

Meet the third member of my new Dream Team – our Confidence Coach, Jenny, from Revitalise Coaching

I wish I was more confident!

Who is Jenny?

Jenny is a Life and Confidence Coach, who I first met through business networking with my lovely Athena group in Farnham. She owns Revitalise Coaching, and runs the Fabulous Women, Marvellous Men networking group in Farnham and is doing such a fab job with it! I’ve been to Jen’s workshops and have also had one to one coaching from her, and she’s absolutely brilliant at setting tasks to work on uplifting and empowering, confidence building, and life planning.

A lot of my clients turn up to their shoot rather nervous or aren’t a fan of being in front of the camera, and I realised it could really help them to work with Jenny before their shoot. This is why Jen is now in my new Dream Team and we’ve made an exclusive confidence video workshop to be included with some of my shoot packages.

I’m so excited about the new video and hope my clients will find it a really valuable experience!

Jenny Thomas, Revitalise Coaching | Ginny Marsh Photography

Jenny is a Confidence Coach and NLP Practitioner at Revitalise Coaching, her main aim is to help empower you to be the best version of yourself, as well as supporting you on your journey to recognise your full potential and get to where you want to be.  Even if you have no idea where this is. Jenny works on various areas of coaching such as:

Helping you to discover your purpose; how to get there, free from overwhelm and fear.

Getting back to work after redundancy/having a family

Career development, work/life balance, conflict management,

Confidence building, transforming negative thinking, procrastination, motivation, phobia cures, addictions & bad habits.

What Jenny Says…

If I was more confident I would go for that job, I could run a marathon, I could wear what I want and feel great, I would be able to start my own business, my life would be so different, I could be me, I would be happy, I could do anything!

At some point in your life, some or all those thoughts may have gone through your mind. Those thoughts and feelings may have even stopped you from taking that dream job, getting back to work after redundancy, having a family, running your own business, daring to dream, travelling, going to the cinema by yourself, being able to speak up in that meeting, stand up and make that presentation and so on.

It’s amazing what we can achieve when we feel good!

When we feel good about ourselves, it’s amazing what we dare to dream about coming true and what we start to believe we can achieve.

As a Confidence Coach, I have lots of tools and techniques that I share with my clients to help them build self-confidence and, ultimately, achieve their goals and dreams. So I was delighted when Ginny asked me about how I might be able to help her clients feel confident ahead of a photo shoot with her! Not just because how you look can make you feel confident but because it’s also about how you truly feel on the inside. We are exposed to so much imagery on social media that ‘tells’ us what beauty, confidence and empowerment look like. But how many of us see that and feel rubbish about ourselves because we don’t match-up to the ‘ideal’?

What I love about Ginny’s Gorgeous You Photography is that she completely embraces what it is to look good and feel good about who you truly are. You get to be completely and totally you and it doesn’t get any better than that! After all, no one can be you better than you.

By Jenny Thomas, Career and Confidence Coach at Revitalise Coaching

If you want to find out more about Jenny’s coaching and to see how she can help you. Please visit her website: www.revitalisecoaching.co.uk

Our exclusive confidence coaching video workshop…

As one of Ginny’s clients, you can now get exclusive access to a bespoke video that I’ve created specially to help build confidence and feel great about yourself!

Click here to read more and see the new packages…

Want to see more images?

Click here to check out our Gorgeous You Photoshoots…

Ginny x

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