24th May 2017
Olivia’s Personal Branding Photoshoot
Who Photographs a Photographer? Another great photographer of course!

Olivia Marocco is a fellow wedding photographer who I met through networking and various wedding events. She wanted some up to date images of herself for her marketing, website and social media. I felt honoured to be asked to capture her for her Personal Branding photos and she was really pleased with the results.
What are Personal Branding Shoots all about?
Personal Branding shoots, I feel, are a great way to sell your business and show what you’re all about!
In a Personal Branding shoot, I like to get to the bottom of what your business means to you and your clients. We will work together to create portraits that reflect and strengthen your message that can be used in all kinds of personal promotion such as editorial pieces for magazines, on your social media, as well as print media to grow your business.
The photographs I take are for you to show yourself off on your website, and also when a magazine wants to do a story on an up and coming brand such as yours! Magazines will expect you to provide the ‘magazine’ quality high end images for their piece. Together we can create some professional and stand alone images whilst having fun in the process!
Also when a blog wants to talk about you and your brand, they will be more inclined to publish your photos if they are beautiful and of a high standard. The more natural and confident you are in your imagery, the easier it is to stand out and to reflect your product.
Here are a few images from Olivia’s shoot

Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! If you or anyone you know would like to have a Personal Branding shoot, please Contact Me as I’d love to know how I can help you and your business.
Ginny x

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