19th April 2017
Soriah’s Personal Branding Shoot – showing two sides to her and her business!
There is always a reason to have a Photoshoot…

Soriah wanted to have a slightly varied shoot with personal branding shots for her business and Linkedin and then some more fun and relaxed shots as she is a singer in her spare time and wanted some images to show off her fun spirited personality!
Why Have a Personal Branding Shoot?
More and more businesses are relying on Social Media and Websites to promote their services and as such, first impressions really do count. However, your website can be the slickest out there, but what most potential clients want to see is you, the team, the personality behind the brand. Personal Branding shoots are specifically to show the side of you that you want your clients to see. They can be formal at your workplace perhaps, or they can be more relaxed in a coffee shop, or at the park for example.
Customers want to step into the world of the organisation and relate to it – we are all human beings, it’s sometimes nice to see a twinkle in someones eye instead of the classic studio style headshot with no character!
Here are a small selection of her images

Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! If you or anyone you know would like to have a Personal Branding shoot, please Contact Me as I’d love to know how I can help you and your business.
Ginny x

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