29th February 2016
Miss B’s Stunning Celebration Boudoir Photoshoot
Miss B has very kindly let us use a few of her anonymous images and her story to share with everyone and inspire others who have been in a similar situation to do a boudoir shoot themselves.
Miss B originally contacted me about a year ago to do a Bridal Boudoir shoot as a wedding gift for her fiance… little did I know that unfortunately she had been battling with a serious illness and had to put her shoot on hold to have surgery. Luckily it all went well, and Miss B had her fabulous wedding last summer, then even moved house all the way down to Somerset, before getting back in touch to finally book her shoot!
I’m so honoured that Miss B booked her boudoir shoot with me after going through so much, and even came all the way from Somerset for her shoot!
Here’s Miss B’s story, in her own words, and a fab review from after her shoot…
“I’m absolutely delighted! I didn’t think I was going to look even half as good as the ladies on your website and blog …. but I do! I’m chuffed to pieces, you’ve made me look fab and I have renewed confidence in myself. To be honest, I can’t stop looking at the images!!”

“I was sadly diagnosed with a serious illness a couple of years ago and then spent the following two years in and out of hospital having 5 major operations. Apart from being left with scars and a very tiny body shape, I also lost all confidence in my body and the way I looked. Whilst my husband still told me I was gorgeous, I struggled to believe him and couldn’t see what he apparently saw.
It took a lot of courage to book my boudoir session with Ginny and I felt very nervous and self-conscious during the lead up to the day. I needn’t have worried, Ginny was so lovely, immediately put me at ease and once we started I didn’t feel nervous at all – I actually enjoyed it!
When I received my slideshow a couple of weeks later I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – I had no idea I could look like that and was chuffed to pieces! It was an enormous confidence boost for me and has really changed the way I look at myself. We now have one of the shots enlarged and framed about our bedhead and I have a little smile each time I see it!”

“I would definitely recommend it. I can’t believe ‘little old me’ looks like that in the images! It’s a great feeling – a combination of confidence and naughtiness! I thought I wouldn’t look as good as the ladies on the website and on the blog, but I do, so if other ladies think they won’t look as good, they will!”

All of our boudoir shoots take place at Hotel de Vie in Farnham, Surrey, which has gorgeous boutique rooms all with different colours and themes.
Hair and makeup was by Natasha Wiggins, who I usually use for my boudoir shoots, or one of her fab team if she’s not available.

Massive well done to Miss B for having the courage to do this confidence boosting photo shoot! We haven’t shown Miss B’s face as she wanted to remain anonymous, but I’m so pleased she’s allowed us to share just a few of her images, including her amazing story.
If you’ve been through a similar thing or are just looking for a confidence boost or fab gift for your other half, then please get in touch for a full price list and availability!
Check out my main Boudoir page for more info and our packages, HERE.
Many thanks,
Ginny x

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