3rd April 2013
Singer Songwriter Carelle’s EP Cover Shoot – Part 2
Hopefully you’ve seen the ‘Behind the Scenes‘ blog I wrote on the EP cover shoot we shot in Farnham, Surrey, for singer / songwriter Carelle (check it out if not)…
Well here’s part 2 – some of the finished images! I can now show them all because Carelle’s cover image and new music video have been released.
Please note: these are just images I took; the main photographer was Natasha Davies Photography (I was mainly there to help Nat and take behind the scenes photos!), and you can see the final cover image, taken by Natasha, for Carelle’s new EP on Carelle’s Facebook page.
Hair and makeup by the Shillito Sisters.

You can see & listen to Carelle’s first music video (which was shot in the same house) on You Tube HERE.
Thankyou for reading / looking. Please feel free to like, comment or share and help a local singer / songwriter from Farnham in Surrey promote her music…
Ginny x
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